Every human in the world has knowledge, a talent or a skill of some kind. From all four corners of the world there are experts in history, music, art, science, cooking, sports, math, linguistics, fashion, technology and so on.
Some of these experts are well-known, with either ’celebrity’ or ‘influencer’ status. The problem for people wanting to learn from these ‘star-status experts’ however lies in the fact that they are extremely hard or impossible to access.
On the other side of the spectrum are those of us that are less known, or completely unknown, yet still with talents, knowledge or skills. And for these, the problem lies in getting in front of an audience, sharing their know-how, and even benefiting financially for doing so.
During the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, Lan saw how important virtual communica-tions were becoming - more than ever. Of course, it has never been easy to track down a stranger who has the know-how you desire to learn. The pandemic, however, has certainly compounded this challenge.
To combat these issues, and based on a business idea that has been bubbling away for some time, Lan is now proud to announce the launch of Lan.Space - a ‘virtual’ destination to connect Knowledge Seekers (those looking for know-how from another) with Knowledge Providers (those, both famous and not famous, who possess the desired know-how).
The strap line for the Lan.Space platform is ‘The Catalyst for Culture & Creativity’.
‘Catalysis’ is the process of altering the rate of a chemical reaction by adding a substance known as a catalyst. Or, more simply, a catalyst is ‘a substance that enables a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions than otherwise possible.’ And this is exactly what Lan.- Space does; it is a place where people can connect and thrive at an accelerated pace - in a way that has not been truly possible until now.
In addition to ‘Know-How Seekers’ and ‘Know-How Providers’, there are what we call ‘Know-How Spotters’. Like with ‘Talent Spotters’, our ‘Know-How Spotters’ help us to identify the hid- den talent that’s lurking behind closed doors, and to bring these people to the Lan.Space plat- form.
Lan.Space is therefore solving the two issues mentioned above. As we said, knowing who to know who knows what you want to know is a complete maze! And if you know what you know, how do you reach a new audience to either simply share your knowledge and, potentially, to make a revenue by sharing it.
And of course, Lan.Space enables people to do what they love to make a living on their own terms by becoming a Know-How Provider.
Yes, Lan.Space exists to ‘virtually’ connect like-minded people - Know-How Seekers with Know-How Providers - from all over the world. On Lan.Space, the Know-How Seekers will be connected with the experts, visionaries and entrepreneurs that are otherwise impossible or hard to reach, yet brimming with amazing knowledge that they are eager to share.