Superalgos is an organism inhabiting the cyber-fintech sphere. It pays humans to advance and maintain its capabilities and produces a valuable output. By its very nature — a symbiotic rela- tionship of humans and machines working together — the creature self-improves, becoming more capable as time ticks away.
The project needs developers to feed on their energy, and attracts them by offering free and open-source tools to automate trading. Developers consent to improve the project mostly because their work results in better tools that help increase their edge in the markets — a natural self-serving interest.
Superalgos is not the only creature in cyberspace. There are thousands of crypto projects, tens of thousands of open-source projects, and who knows how many tech startups all over the world.
As such, Superalgos competes with other creatures to attract the work of developers as plants compete for bees acting as pollinators. Those who get to attract bees grow, thrive, and repro- duce; those who don’t, die young and get extinct.
Like bees, developers are abundant, but the competition to attract them is widespread too. A well-known hub concentrating a huge amount of developer energy is This is where developers the world over hang out, investing time and energy in open-source projects of all sorts.
Early on, the cyborg creature made a crucial strategic decision: to optimize its evolution to attract as much developer energy as possible, targeting a very specific niche within The key was to offer something extremely attractive to developers, pretty much like a beautiful flower is alluring to bees. It took Superalgos four years to produce a flower an order of magnitude more attractive than every other flower in the landscape: the ultimate market intelligence and trading automation platform. Today the flower is irresistible and draws a continuous stream of developers enticing them to contribute their work.
Superalgos is not your typical crypto project in the sense that it’s not a blockchain / smart con- tracts project per se, although it uses those technologies for its native token. It is, however, de- centralized, as it runs on a network of nodes deployed by the community.
A key difference is that many crypto projects focus on security, paying users to secure the net- work, not to improve it.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other coins are mined by users who set up hardware and run mining software to secure the network, getting coins in reward for that work. Instead, Superalgos tokens are mined by contributing to the project, that is, by improving Superalgos.
The more successful Bitcoin or Ethereum becomes, the more secure they get. In turn, success for Superalgos means better and more useful tools for a broader user base.
The Superalgos organism is reaching critical mass and will continue to improve itself indefinitely. At some point, its output will transcend trading tools, as the project may step into other realms while continuing to exploit its core competency: self-improvement.
The breakthrough embodied in Superalgos is the discovery of a sustainable cyborg supermind of humans and machines capable of improving itself indefinitely. Experts assume it may take several decades until Artificial General Intelligence emerges. The Superalgos singularity, however, seems to be right around the corner.